I like them a lot ..this seriously never gets old..there r so many types of flowers and diff combos this could go on for years. Lol
Monday, December 27, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
The Company Party
The Comapny party was soo much fun it was nice to chit chat.
Funny stories r the best u never realize how much u live or aren't living until u hear a good funny story.
Lols tiramisu, steak(I'm not proud of eating meat) and lots of other pasta stuffs. The restaurant was beautiful ...*good times*
Speaking of good times usually u don't fully appreciate hw good they r during its usually when u look back u realize what u had after the moment has already passed.
Welp that's enough wisdom for the day. Hehe
Funny stories r the best u never realize how much u live or aren't living until u hear a good funny story.
Lols tiramisu, steak(I'm not proud of eating meat) and lots of other pasta stuffs. The restaurant was beautiful ...*good times*
Speaking of good times usually u don't fully appreciate hw good they r during its usually when u look back u realize what u had after the moment has already passed.
Welp that's enough wisdom for the day. Hehe
This Weeks Flowers
Yea as u can see I've been busy today was the first day I got with a little free time so everythings pouring out lmfaoo.
Passing huge milestones is always easier with flowers! Awww.
They really help!
Passing huge milestones is always easier with flowers! Awww.
They really help!
My First Dinner All By Myself
My first dinner all by myself for a large group whoo hooo!!! I usually help make dinner but I did it solo that night I was so proud of my work. Dinner for 15 solo *check*
Bout to head out on the last and prolly the bestest journey of the yr
Whoo the stress was high but I made it through a last minute shopping fiasco @ toysr us then hopped on the train to head to the city to hop on a bus to head to another city= the story of my nomadic life. Lmfao I made it to Port Authority in time to get to the atm then get tickets then get on the bus with no time to spare on my wey to have a great time with family n friends. Yasheesh I can't wait till the morrow! Maddd more stuff to do but some of the rush will be over and my bags slightly lighter. Uhp bout to tune out on the best ride every the turnpike at night during the winter is spiritual I promise like I bet seeing the turnpike at night in the winter is equally as moving as seeing the Northern Lights lmfaoo well they r to my city pigeon butt! Hehehe Bon Jovi here I come! Ohhhhhh I'm half way thereee |
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Don't Like Lugging
Do Like giving it feels great I get so excited when someone likes my stuff :D its like rele? Rele u think I'm fashionable??
Monday, December 20, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Bryant Park
Bryant Park is always the prettiest when its brick freezin cold and u can't bare to stand out there for more than 2 seconds. This fountain is amazing. I really really like I almost got frost bite taking this pic but it was totally worth it.
How Cute is this Dragon=?UTF-8?B?Pw==?=
This is soo adorable! Lols Dragons must have existed t some point cuz too many ppl talk about them perhaps that logic is a hot mess but w.e.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
OH What a Morning
So I arrive in the realist district ever still asleep after enduring an almost hellish bus ride. It was cold the outlets didn't work for the first half of the trip and this stinky chatter box behind me talked the whole trip and she had Doo Doo Bref 4 days I hope that smell ain't get into my clothes #damn!
But Nicki Minaj is keeping me sane as usual :D
And its really winter and the streets r empty no tourists everybody is in bed the metro is runners and ppl who have to be out. Lols #goodtimes ohh and I ain't even get to talk about my busy azz night last night lmfaoo yoooo I was a multi taskah!
I came home like 7 49 didn't change take my coat off or nuthin transitioned right into domestication started doin laundry then finished that went and got a Birthday cake for a Bum then went right into cleaning/packing/ xmas shopping organization finally getting to bed at like 1 40 only to rise @ 4 56 -___- lmao bu yow ya bitch got ADHD on a whole nova level.
But Nicki Minaj is keeping me sane as usual :D
And its really winter and the streets r empty no tourists everybody is in bed the metro is runners and ppl who have to be out. Lols #goodtimes ohh and I ain't even get to talk about my busy azz night last night lmfaoo yoooo I was a multi taskah!
I came home like 7 49 didn't change take my coat off or nuthin transitioned right into domestication started doin laundry then finished that went and got a Birthday cake for a Bum then went right into cleaning/packing/ xmas shopping organization finally getting to bed at like 1 40 only to rise @ 4 56 -___- lmao bu yow ya bitch got ADHD on a whole nova level.
Friday, December 3, 2010
FAIL!!!! Why is the post office always a half hr trip they should have automated certified mail machines oy!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
I love Them!
They actually make me smile lmfaoo my silly ass learned another lesson focus on u and dun be worried about other ppl smgdmfh why does my karma always come like on some cartoon fed exed instant message -_____- I will never!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Park Ave Palisades
So apparently Park ave runs all they way uhp to the palisades
#if _ya_dont_kno_now_ya_kno_nigga! *biggie voice*
#if _ya_dont_kno_now_ya_kno_nigga! *biggie voice*
75 Percent ON A Baby
This annoying Ass couple on the bus was rele tryna procreate damn! they been nuzzlin for an hr #breathing space please ughhh.
Obnoxious PDA is never okay!
Obnoxious PDA is never okay!
Saturday, November 20, 2010

omg this movie changed my life!!!!!
Girlhood is a great documentary about two girls moving through the juvenile justice system in East B More ...You must alredy know about my affinity for Bmore so already I loved this film lol. Bt real talk this film was awesome a twelve yr old who killed someone gets out of juvee goes to school graduates continues onto college and becomes a motivational speaker.
Another girl Megan who i personally think is an amazingly awesome person deals with drug addiction in her family and runs away from foster homes. Shanae was inspirational but Megan hit home, I hope shes a okay supposedly she is now married and has children. Kudos to her shes been trough so much.
I was really touched by how both girls rejected being brainwashed into judging other ppl who were struggling for ex: Shanae refused to judge a scantily clad woman or a guy dressed in baggy clothes and her reason was "how can i judge them when I been there just cuz they still there" that takes a lot of something to be able to realize that, also when Megan wouldn't call the drug crowd undesirables because her mother was a drug addict. So interesting and so deep how someone so isolated and rebuked by everyone could have so much inner strength to hold onto their beliefs at such a young age. Truly inspiring!
Also sad how two girls get caught up in a world and do bad things and are perceived as bad when they are not its their environment its what they are exposed to and what they r thrown into that gets them into predicaments. I believe the DaLai Lama himself if raised in East Baltimore would catch at least a few charges, but yet we expect misguided children to become super heroes of their own making = Highly unlikely feat. More power to those in such situations i hope they come out okay.
W.e the pic above is of Megan Jensen, she reminds me of OZ from On The Outs also a great film I recommend both...i thnk ima make a lil list of great films and post it
Thursday, November 18, 2010
A Picture A World
Nearly everything causes me to re evaluate my life but nothing as much as this picture...don't u see it?? O-o... its all right there..
In other breaking news: I ate a quesidilla with salsa and left the salsa container on the table and a bug came and started eating the salsa..I wonder if it was too hot for him/her? o-O
In other breaking news: I ate a quesidilla with salsa and left the salsa container on the table and a bug came and started eating the salsa..I wonder if it was too hot for him/her? o-O
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Lunch Time
Yo Fat Sals pizza is bomb! Luh dis pizza and the brown dog that passes by here evryday same time is adorable.
Monday, November 15, 2010
I have finally decided
that i really dun kiier whoo looks or whet dey tinkin bout meh but ima live it uhp lmfaoooooo who h life is weyy too short not to have an awesome time!!! gotta go get my pants and fix my jinga so i dun look 4576834 years old omg i wonder if I can try the Angola >_> yea perhaps not!! but perhaphs still!! |
Oh Today Will Only Last A Day
So here we be this here Monday in No-Vember sheesh dunno what i wanna doo I am about to finish Barack Obamas Dreams of my Father and I dont want it to end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I wanna keep reading about Obama's trip. Its soo interesting and the way he describes te experience and the characters is soooooo real lmao I mean of course its real but its really really real like I feel liek Im there and i can sooo understand the family bullshit and the drama and the many Mama's. I was dying when he went to go see his grabdfathers house and the picture of the white/"burmese" lady lmfaoo he shook his head at the fact that she looked liek his mother lmfaoo eww all his africans like the same type of white women bwahhhh! I wonder when he was dating his little white lady did she look similarly lol!! lmfaooo ughh i dun want this book to be over its soo open and honest and so relatable and soo funny.. when this book finishes Im gunna miss Auma thats like his favorite sister even more favorite than the one from Indonesia. ughh This book is soo Awesome Barack is a panther!!! So subtle so smart so suave So Glad he is the President! |
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Pink Friday!
I cannot wait until Pink Friday.. this is totally something I could have tweets but here we goooo! This This Tanks giving I'ma be thankful hopefully for Nicki Minaj's new album it better be good I've heard good things.
En Este Aqui
Yayyy The Pastor of this church is a woman and she was wearing knee high boots and a skirt OOWWWWWW! This is my kinda church. The sermon was about bearing fruit lol and reaping what you sow. I guess i will sow good things and try to make good fruit o_O w.e good message, the only thing I was not clear on was being blinded by the world and working and not having ime for the church... bwaahhh! of course IIII was not clear on this part ...overtime???? Yes Please! hehe
Friday, November 12, 2010
Every Twelve Hours
YO like word to everything I love every twelve hours this is what I see...fighting crime at night working by day isn't easy!
Good Pizza
Shout out to my fav pizza spot on 9th ave! Yesterday some guy came in bought $1 slice of pizza left ...had the nerve to come back complain about the slice he bought a few minutes earlier and be like it was nasty he wants his money back -___-
Me myself personally I think it is in poor taste to ask for a refund unless u have a roach or some kind of deadly chemical in ur food. If u don't like the food then don't come back find a new spot. This guy comes back makes a scene and starts yellin that the $1 pizza is nasty well he had no audience and there will be no uprising because not only would I expect $1 pizza to be nasty I don't buy it lmao for that exact reason please peep the top of the line slices above whaaahahaha! Nah but they were delicious tho like rele! Thumbs uhp to da chef and shout out to the lil mexican pizza man who always put my pizza in the oven when I say don't warm it uhp.
Haha yesterday for the first time ever, he remembered when I ordered not to warm it uhp but that time I wanted it heated *bugs bunny voice* "ain't I a stinker"
Me myself personally I think it is in poor taste to ask for a refund unless u have a roach or some kind of deadly chemical in ur food. If u don't like the food then don't come back find a new spot. This guy comes back makes a scene and starts yellin that the $1 pizza is nasty well he had no audience and there will be no uprising because not only would I expect $1 pizza to be nasty I don't buy it lmao for that exact reason please peep the top of the line slices above whaaahahaha! Nah but they were delicious tho like rele! Thumbs uhp to da chef and shout out to the lil mexican pizza man who always put my pizza in the oven when I say don't warm it uhp.
Haha yesterday for the first time ever, he remembered when I ordered not to warm it uhp but that time I wanted it heated *bugs bunny voice* "ain't I a stinker"
Escalators and Human Nature
So this morning I was able to observe sum interesting behavior on the subway. Everymorninf usually at 34th st the escaltor to the right goes up and the escaltor to the left goes down..simple enough we live in America we walk/drive on or right why not escalate the same? Right? Right.
So this particular morning for w.e. reason the escalator on the right hand side was turned off and the escaltor on the left was going uhp. I saw a lot of people see the right escalator stopped walk away from and take the steps I saw other ppl walk uhp to the escalator se that it wasn't moving hesitate then start walking up the escalator meanwhile I am On the escalator right next to them qietly ascending and baffled.
Damn are ppl that programmed that when something like the direction of an escalator changes they can't make appropriate adjustments???? What does that say about society mentally...emotionally???? No wonder everyone divorces and we all have hang uhps we cnt even adapt to the switch in escalator direction o-O weirdos we r true certifiable weirdos!
I wonder if the results would be the same in a diff culture. Other odd subway behavior: walking uhp/ down escalators u r alredy moving why the need to move faster? Also if u wanted to limb steps and be rocky why take the escalator why not take the steps???
Further .. the ppl who choose to take the crowded escalator then choose to walk then get annoyed when someone is standing on the escalator...I'm sure the steps would not have been crowded and they would have been able to *meep meep* in peace as fast as they wanted -____-
I'm returning to my home planet if condiitions here to not swiftly improve
So this particular morning for w.e. reason the escalator on the right hand side was turned off and the escaltor on the left was going uhp. I saw a lot of people see the right escalator stopped walk away from and take the steps I saw other ppl walk uhp to the escalator se that it wasn't moving hesitate then start walking up the escalator meanwhile I am On the escalator right next to them qietly ascending and baffled.
Damn are ppl that programmed that when something like the direction of an escalator changes they can't make appropriate adjustments???? What does that say about society mentally...emotionally???? No wonder everyone divorces and we all have hang uhps we cnt even adapt to the switch in escalator direction o-O weirdos we r true certifiable weirdos!
I wonder if the results would be the same in a diff culture. Other odd subway behavior: walking uhp/ down escalators u r alredy moving why the need to move faster? Also if u wanted to limb steps and be rocky why take the escalator why not take the steps???
Further .. the ppl who choose to take the crowded escalator then choose to walk then get annoyed when someone is standing on the escalator...I'm sure the steps would not have been crowded and they would have been able to *meep meep* in peace as fast as they wanted -____-
I'm returning to my home planet if condiitions here to not swiftly improve
Coney Island Renovated
Coney Island this summer was cute I didn't get on anything but I like the renovations looks cute new attractions ..I must say the food was slackin this summer but the positives outweigh the negatives The wonder wheel is still spinning ..not sure if that's a good thing lmao
Friday, October 22, 2010
Mah Weekend Sweet Weekend
Hella yea! My weekend will consist of chillaXXXXXIN!!! And yoga and netflix and good food and a lot of sleep and some reading and I figured out how to tweet from my kindle do there's no stoppin me now lmao tehe I can wait I could pop into a billion pieces of confetti!! YO I'M TELLIN YOU RIGHT NIW MY NETFLIX INSTANT QUEUE IS OFF DA CHAIN!! I wish that netflix would let you tweet commentary while ur watching the film lmao this way I could feel like I'm talking to someone lolol |
Thursday, October 21, 2010
A poet Chills
Ima write chu a poem
A poem from sumbody who has a one chair apartment in Mc. Donals *finger snaps*
A poem about someone who rele couldn't afford that two $ rent to pay for a hot chocolate so they could sit and not be loitering
Ima write chu this poem tommorow cuz dats just the type of poet I am lol
A poem from sumbody who has a one chair apartment in Mc. Donals *finger snaps*
A poem about someone who rele couldn't afford that two $ rent to pay for a hot chocolate so they could sit and not be loitering
Ima write chu this poem tommorow cuz dats just the type of poet I am lol
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
To stretch and bend or not to stretch and bend I am tryna figure out which style of Yoga to get my teaching license in personally I love Vinyasa I prefer power Vinyasa but Vinyasa is just as fine and there r more options for this style in the city. I wanna go for my 200 hrs soon but I feel like I should do a little bit more research before I jump the gun after all this is my liscense we r talking about. Yo like which style should I chose??? I truth be told like a lot of styles including Hot Yoga sooo now its like which one is gunna be my life longpractice??? Which style am I gunna choose to affect and enhance other ppls lives and health the answer is .. MY AZZZ HAS NO IDEA!!! So its back to the drawing boards for right now, also I think I need to figure out which school I wanna go to too like which federation or alliance I wanna get my certificate with lmaoo so my questioms even more answers what is a fickle creature like myself to do.
Friday, September 24, 2010
BE patient
>_> I guess w.e. I'm hungry please excuse delirious blog but yea wendys is awesome and I have exhausted all my lunch time calls and now I'm left alone to my own thoughts in the big city and since its Friday I don't fell like lunch with anyone booo v-v just me ...me n my salad LMFAOOO!!!! Oh the injustice....random thought... I am enjoying reading Bill Clintons My life! Stephen Colbert is verry verry funny just not received weel by congress bwahahahah! I read the most awesome and stimulating blogs ever!
Also I talk about raism A LOT. I like light uhp when someone brings it uhp in convo dunno how good that it but w..e ITS MEEE.
Racism has always intrigued me welp byee
Also I talk about raism A LOT. I like light uhp when someone brings it uhp in convo dunno how good that it but w..e ITS MEEE.
Racism has always intrigued me welp byee
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Yayyy hey eh !
Is the best day ever on this day *classified amount* of years ago a star was born :D...it was meeeee!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
OIL and Eyeliner
So yea that's how oily my face can get, and also I'm having an eyeliner dilemna....So basically my eyeliner runs, collects in a crease under my eye *a very minor and beautifully youthful crease* and then calls EXTRA ATTENTION TO THE CREASE making me look old and tired, then when I try to corect this issue by wiping the black eyeliner away it smudges and fades to an unsettling green that makes me look sea sick..and old..and tired...FML I need a new eyeliner ASAFP!!
I'm so glad they dun serve fish sandwiches at the !quarium ...that would be rele awkward, however don't they serve meat at the zoo like hot dogs and burgers???
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